About The Author

Sam Kier was born in Oakland, California and grew up in the San Francisco Bay area and the Sacramento Valley. Upon graduation from Stanford University with a degree in psychology, he was immediately drafted into the U.S. Army. After completing basic training at Fort Ord, he was assigned to the 5th Infantry Regiment. During much of his time with the 5th Infantry, he served as regimental troop information and education NCO. One of his assignments was to update the regimental history and see that it became part of the troop information program.
Following his two years of active duty, Sam returned to school and earned a master’s degree in psychology at Sacramento State University and a Ph.D. in special education and educational psychology from the University of Arizona. He worked in the public schools of California for forty years as a classroom teacher, school psychologist, director of special education, and professor of educational psychology.
Now retired, Sam lives in Pacific Grove, California. He enjoys barbershop singing, military history, and travel. He is a founding sponsor of the National Museum of the U.S. Army and is currently serving as Historian for the 5th Infantry Regiment Association. He regularly contributes articles to the association’s newsletter, The Bobcat Bulletin.
Sam met his wife, Betty, while he was stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington. They were married in 1955 and have four daughters and seven grandchildren.